Get your enhanced carry permit. This is a fun class that covers the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for owning and using a firearm safely. This is an NRA Certified Course and is 8 hours long.


This class will teach you how to draw and fire from concealment. This is a 9-11 hour class.

Situational Awareness on Firearms Simulator

Shooter Ready offers the most advanced simulation system on the market featuring real life scenarios, target accuracy and fun games without live fire.

Woman's Basic Pistol Safety Class

Geared toward women for learning to be comfortable with their firearm and how to load, fire and unload your firearm safely.

Home Defense

Get the info you need to protect your family from a home invasion. Class teaches you the skills to secure your home from criminal invasion.

Real Estate Protection Course

This class is specifically geared toward real estate agents and the hazards they may face showing commercial and residential properties.

Church Security Course

In order to be on a church security team you must have an enhanced carry permit. You can take the enhanced carry course through Shooter Ready and if you already have the permit, we can show you how to make your church more secure from violent or criminal threats or acts.

Gun Cleaning Class

Learn how to break your gun down, clean it and put it back together so your gun functions properly.

Private Lessons

Learn to how to grip, find your stance and learn the basic fundamentals of shooting a pistol
