Who Is Shooter Ready

Sarah Crane
Sarah Jackson Crane graduated Cum Laude from the University of the South Florida in 1990 with a degree in Psychology. She spent 10 years working for the State of Florida and with law enforcement as a Child Protective Investigator and later as Senior Case Coordinator with the Sarasota County Child Protection Team conducting forensic interviews with children for criminal court cases. After getting married, she spent the next 20 years managing the family classic car restoration business alongside her husband and son in Florida. She and her husband traveled across the United States exhibiting at car shows and automotive swap meets. They landed on the Mississippi gulf coast in 2010 to be more centrally located for business. In 2012 she founded Retro-Motive, an ecommerce automotive parts business, where she remains as CEO. In 2020 she lost her husband to cancer and found herself in a transitory period. She purchased her first handgun in 2022 and soon realized she was not properly trained to safely handle that firearm, which is when she crossed paths with Janette Luttrell, NRA & USCCA Certified Firearms Instructor. She became a student of Ms. Luttrell, and quickly found a new passion for firearms had been ignited in her life. Through many training sessions and conversations, the two formed a business partnership and Shooter Ready was born on the gulf coast featuring state of the art simulated firearms training. Together they are on a new mission to teach, train and empower individuals to safely use firearms to protect themselves through scenario and classroom based instruction at their new Shooter Ready training facility in Long Beach, MS.

Janette Luttrell
Janette E Luttrell first became interested in firearms at the age of 18. She graduated with honors from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1989 with a degree in business administration. Following college, she worked in the insurance industry for many years. Ms. Luttrell became an avid collector of firearms during this time. This interest in firearms led to a career in the film industry. She has worked as a prop master and gun armorer in films since 2005 on countless projects in the southeast, nationally and internationally. During her film work, she became inspired to complete her NRA certification to teach basic and advanced pistol courses including enhanced carry and CCW draw from the holster. Instructor Luttrell is an NRA certified Range Safety Officer. She has since obtained her USCCA firearm certification for Concealed Carry, Home Defense, Real Estate Agent Safety, Women’s Basic Pistol and Church Security. Instructor Luttrell has trained thousands of students during this time. Her passion for shooting and training helps individuals who want to learn more about firearms to protect themselves under our 2nd Amendment. The new Shooter Ready training facility provides an opportunity to continue her training classes and has opened a new door to state of the art simulation training and with that, the possibilities are endless…